Sunday, May 24, 2009

went to St.Paul Church Ulu Dusun

Went to St.Paul Church Ulu Dusun on 24th May 2009. YMM team gathered at coffee shop at 8.30am and started the engine to St.Paul at 9.30am. It tooks about 40minutes to arrive there. St.Paul located at a hill top and over looking a wide area land of planted palm oil tree.

Soon as we arrived, immediately we put up our poster at the church notice board. Our friend Petrus from the church choir say "hello" to us as he is busy preparing the P.A system and needed his choir member to be ready before the mass started at 11am.

Setelah misa selesai, YMM mengambil kesempatan mengedarkan borang penyertaan serta "flyers" kepada para belia yang berada di situ sebelum kami ke Mini Dewan Gereja St.Paul untuk memulakan sesi suai kenal dan briefing tentang y2J Music Camp & Concert.

Agenda : (1) Lagu Pujian, (2) Sesi Suai kenal, (3) Briefing for Camp & Concert, (4) Sesi Sharing, (5) Slideshow Y2J Concert 2008, (6) Sesi Soal Jawab, (7) Makan Lunch.

Saudara Petrus wakil dari koir Gereja St.Paul berharap alat music di situ boleh di upgrade lagi agar boleh menarik lebih belia minat melayan di gereja dari segi music & nyanyian. Saudara Petrus jugak prihatin dan ingin membawa lagu kristian yg berentak cara musik belia masa kini namun agak tertanya-tanya jika mereka dibenarkan berbuat demikian dan samaada boleh diterima oleh umat umum.

We departed from St.Paul around 250pm. Trip ini SANGAT BERMAKNA buat YMM & Choir & belia St. Paul. 2 orang wakil dari Adhoc Team Belia Cathedral jgk ada ikut serta dalam trip ini. Thank you to Saudara Petrus & rakan2nya kerana memberi kami kesempatan merapatkan jurang persahabatan. May God Bless you all.

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Y2J Music Camp & concert 2009 Photos - Thank You to all have support us- God Bless

Photo contribute by, YMM, Ting(jack), Dulce