Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Up Coming Meeting / Things To Do

29th March 2009, 11AM - Practise Jalan Salib Belia at St.mary's Parish Hall

01st April 2009, 9PM - Rehersal Jalan Salib Belia at Parish Hall

03rd April 2009, 8pm - Rehersal Jalan Salib Belia at Parish Hall

04th April 2009, After Sunset Mass - Jalan Salib Belia at Parish Hall

09th April 2009, Holy Thursday - Holy Thursday, Youth adoration time is 10.30pm to 11pm

10th April 2009,Good Friday - English Mass Choir by Youth Music Ministry

12th April 2009, 2pm - Potluck Parti for Youth at St.leonard

12th April 2009, 8pm- Meeting with Fr.Paul Lo at Room A Parish Hall

Y2J Music Camp & concert 2009 Photos - Thank You to all have support us- God Bless

Photo contribute by, YMM, Ting(jack), Dulce